“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.” – Alan Keightley
This month marks the 2-year anniversary of Paper Planes – which feels strange to say since, depending on the day, it either seems like I’ve been doing this forever or just started last week. In some ways I feel like blogging and starting my own site has given me a ton of opportunities while, on the other, I feel like I’ve barely accomplished anything. I guess that’s how it goes with most things though.
What I’m sure of, however, is that blogging has certainly changed the way I travel and my perspective of mixing travel with work, living abroad and “settling down”. So, how exactly has it changed?
Whenever I go anywhere – whether it’s a new restaurant or a new country – I’m always thinking about if and how I could write about the experience for my site or other freelance projects. Always. While this gives my trips a bit more focus and purpose than when I was aimlessly backpacking around SE Asia by myself with no plan or schedule, it also takes away some of the freedom and serendipity that comes with traveling just for your own interest and enjoyment…which really is is the main reason people like to travel. There have been times where I don’t feel like writing about a place and then feel guilty that I didn’t ‘make the most’ of my time there by doing more research and finding a story. That’s no good.
Breakfast and blogging in Chania, Greece
Freelancing is a strange, strange thing. You feel like you have all the time in the world and aren’t tied down to a strict schedule…yet because you can work whenever, wherever…you do. And feel lazy if you don’t. Right now I have the incredible luxury of traveling and staying in different places whenever I want. However, since I’m working for myself and several different clients at the same time, I can’t really ask for “time off” so am keeping up with all my regular work, responsibilities and deadlines whenever I’m on the road. This means I wake up early or stay up late to get things done, spend entire days tied to my computer to make up for days when I was in transit or actually out exploring, and stay in working instead of going out and fully experiencing where I am. Of course, I’d much prefer this than being limited to the United States’ measly 10 vacation days a year (if you’re lucky, there actually is no guaranteed paid vacation in the U.S.), but as with anything there is still a trade off. I can travel more because I can work while I travel, yet I can’t see or do as much when I’m traveling because I’m working.
If a location doesn’t have strong WiFi, it’s really difficult for me to go. I need it to work which is a blessing and a curse – I can work from anywhere…as long as I can get on the internet.
I love finding special items that remind me of a place and have started to collect goods I think others would enjoy as well. Currently I have items from Thailand that can be found in my online shop or, on special occasions, at markets in Seattle. Though I’m still starting small, I’m looking at products with new eyes when I visit different places. (Also – new items are coming soon…if you want to be the first to know, sign up for my mailing lists here!)
Set up at the Fremont Sunday market in Seattle
There’s no way I could travel like I used to, spending 2-3 days max in a place before moving on, and keep up my site or work. I once crisscrossed the entire country of India – no small feat considering its 1.29 million square miles/3.28 million square kilometers – visiting 12 different areas in four weeks. Not that I would recommend anyone do that ever (it was exhausting!), but I definitely could not do it now. Instead, I need to stay in a place longer or alternate between quick trips and even longer periods of time in one spot and, even then, I still don’t cram in and see as much as I used to do in a couple days. During my recent trip to Greece I spent a full week in Athens and, between days spent working and at a conference, only made it to the Acropolis – a 15-minute walk from where I was staying – on my last day there.
I’ve been able to go to different areas, stay in a wider range of places and experience things I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. One of the supposed draws of travel blogging is that you can get things for free. While this is true, it’s not really “free” considering the time you spend on your site, work, making connections, creating coverage, sharing information on your social media accounts (that you also spend time building) and sacrificing your time and freedom to do as you please. While I’ll certainly work with more companies and destinations that are a good fit for me in the future, experiencing places and tours that I probably wouldn’t have on my own has helped me form a better idea of how I really want to travel. Do I want to get out of hostel dorms? Yes. Do I really enjoy staying in 4-star hotels? No, not usually.
There was a time when after months of backpacking and traveling solo I stayed in an old wooden house in Luang Prabang, Laos. As I went to bed I realized there were plastic bags twisted up and shoved into the wall blocking a hole that looked directly into the next room. Not really caring, I poked the bag back in wall and went to sleep. That’s how low my standards were. Now traveling with my computer and other gear, and having to work most nights, I feel more comfortable spending more for a secure, private room. This is where, for me, it is really nice working with places that I want to stay. I wouldn’t have stayed at this boutique hotel in Bangkok or the coolest place ever in Bali’s central highlands if I wasn’t blogging – partially because I had more $$ to do it and partially because I wouldn’t have even known about them. I now seek out places and plan ahead more than I did before when I would show up in a new town and try to find the cheapest room possible.
Working by myself in my nice, clean, private room with no holes in the walls
It used to be that whenever I traveled, whether it was a family road trip growing up or traveling solo for the first time in Europe, I would always turn to journaling and reading. Being out of my everyday element made me want to capture and write down new experiences and the time spent waiting in airports or on long bus rides was used to go through as many books as I could. Now those times are used for writing blog posts or working for clients and the last thing I want to do after writing thousands of words is sit down to write in my personal journal or read more words.
While I’ve always taken a lot of photos, I take even more now and of things I wouldn’t have in the past. Instead of just getting a few pretty pictures to remind me of places I’ve been, I have to keep in mind what photos I may need for future posts and other projects. I need different angles of the same shot and lots of images to choose from to have different photos for the site and social media channels, especially Instagram. I also need to take stock photo-style pictures to use for other companies.
(Or at least I’d like to think so…) Because photography is such an integral part of blogging, and I’m taking so many pictures, my photo skills are getting better and I’m noticing different aspects of places that I didn’t before. I used to love my early photos of India and SE Asia. Now, while I still have sentimental attachment to them, I wish I could go back and do it all over again.
Tourist mode on Santorini
Between living abroad, meeting other bloggers and connecting with readers I know more people around the world that I can go to for advice, travel tips and even a place to crash than ever before. It’s pretty cool. I have friends who I always see in a different country, who understand that I don’t really have a set home base and say things like, “I’m not traveling much the rest of the year, just staying in London then Ireland for a weekend then Nicaragua…”. NBD…
Ultimately, blogging has changed the way I travel because it has completely fused work and play, ‘real life’ and traveling. It’s all blurred together now and I’m still figuring it out…good thing there are plenty more places I want to see…
Hey! I'm Alana and I've spent nearly the past decade living in Chiang Mai, Thailand, working as a writer and photographer. I started Paper Planes as a place to share local insight, special places, and how to travel well through a range of experiences — from hostels to high-end hotels, street meat to multi-course meals.
New places are always calling my name...
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As a newbie blogger this scares me a little… :/
Oh and that quote up top is fantastic:
“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.” – Alan Keightley
it resonates so much 🙂 I definitely had an ‘ah ha’ moment whilst travelling earlier this year, now im giving up my marketing career of 10 years, moving country and going to starting blogging full time!! My perspective on what i thought my life should be has totally changed now I know there is more to life what society expects me to do.
It wasn’t meant to be scary – just a look at what has changed for me in the past several years. Good luck!
I feel you so much on pretty much all of this – especially how working on the road and the need for Wi-Fi influences my plans. Sometimes I feel exhausted by my (completely necessary) obsession with Wi-Fi – making sure I have it everywhere I stay, rushing around unfamiliar cities looking for a signal if the Wi-Fi wherever I’m staying isn’t working, planning transit days around when I can afford to be without it for a few hours, and ruling out particular destinations completely because I wouldn’t have access to it. I’m definitely grateful for the ability to work anywhere, but the transient availability of Wi-Fi in different cities and countries constantly reminds me that I can’t literally work just anywhere…it has to be somewhere with Wi-Fi.
It’s a blessing and a curse…
Ahhh, I definitely know ALL about the freelancing-so-you-feel-guilty-if-you’re-not-working bit. :/ I’m really hoping that in the next year I can be better about purposefully scheduling work time and giving myself hours off.
That is an excellent goal – good luck 😉
I love this post, and luckily nothing about it scares me at all. It is interesting to be more invested in travel blogging and feel the difference it has made in my travels already, but I honestly just hope it continues and that I’ll have accomplished as much as you have when my blog turns two next year 🙂
Hah! I recognise that blogger’s itinerary… I sound like a snob!!
Anyway, I totally understand where you’re coming from in this post and I agree with so many points. I do try to journal/read when I can, but I definitely go online a lot more (a lot, lot more) than I used to. I am now attempting to just travel like I used to and not necessarily look for a story all the time (that is, when I’m travelling for myself and not for a company/tourist board)… which is what I’ll be doing in Nicaragua!
Ha – not at all! I love how it’s so normal to have a travel schedule like that 🙂 It’s like when people at home asked me how long I was going to Europe and I said, “Just 5 weeks”, like that was a long amount of time…
This is a brilliant read, I actually hadn’t thought about having changed the way I travel since starting blogging but it is so true especially when you are doing trips for companies/tourist boards.
Thanks for reading, Jodie – I appreciate it
I can totally relate, as I sit in my ocean front bungalow in the Maldives. There were so many things that ring true in this amazingly written piece!
Hi there,
I just read your blog. Great read and thanks for your honesty. I’m just really getting started with my blogging, but it really interested me but I want to make the most out of my blogging with real honesty myself and also any adventures that we have on our journey in life…thanks once again, really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks for reading, Trish – good luck with your writing.
Things have changed for me in much the same way. I no longer travel aimlessly but with a purpose, based on what’s good for my blog and what I think my audience would be interested in. It’s definitely more of a job for me now and not just ‘travelling’ but I’m happy to be able to mix business and pleasure as I work around the world.
The trick is trying to find a ‘balance’…if that actually exists… 😉
I can really relate to this, especially so with the past few months having been spent within the company of so many great bloggers both online and in real life here in Berlin. And that “yeah, I’ll be here in January, there in May, oh, no I can’t be there for that” answer to future plans has become such a typical response from the people I talk with these days that I’m starting to not bother asking 😉
I love it! Such a different way of looking at life
I recognize so much of myself in this, Alana! Even though I’m not really freelancing, my travel style has changed so much since I stared my blog a little over two years ago: I drive everyone crazy with taking pictures of everything in every possible angle (and that twice: dSLR and phone for Instagram, obviously) and I can’t imagine staying somewhere with no Wifi. Honestly, I’ve been wondering how many things I do just to write about it or just to get a great photo — I truly never anticipated how much impact my little digital diary would once have on me and my travel style!
All the pictures…
Really good post. A lot of this really resonates with me. Very well said!
Thanks for reading, Taylor!
I can totally relate on so many levels: not just traveling for me, working all the time and the world has become much, much smaller. Really enjoyed this post. 🙂
Thanks, Kieu!
Just started a travel blog with one purpose. To be like you and other successful travel bloggers. I’ll take it as a challenge and wish me luck!
Good luck!
I can absolutely relate to this! So much true in this piece of writing 🙂
Thanks for reading, Justyna – appreciate it!
What an awesome post, I’ve travelled extensively but never really taken my blogging with me. Looking forward to giving it a go in the future, you also offer some great advice.
As with anything there are pros and cons….good luck!
A very inspiring post. Thank you.
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, Anita – I appreciate it.
I’m sure you wouldn’t make these decisions to write more for your freelance work if it didn’t pay off more than when you weren’t doing it, so I suppose it’s just all part of that line of work… something to be accepted.
As I blog a little more seriously than I used to, I sometimes find myself doing things a certain way because of it… and it scares me, honestly. Many bloggers can deal with it but I just don’t think I can. I need some distance between my travel life and online life, maybe more than the average?
So spot on! I can really relate. Although I would still wouldn’t have it any other way. I tell people travel is now my life and my lifestyle, it is what I have chosen, and I take the ups with the downs just like everyone else does in non travel related jobs. Great post, thanks for sharing!
I wouldn’t have it any other way either, but I do miss the complete freedom of my backpacking days!
Great post! Your photos are just beautiful.
I’d love to know what you use for processing your images?
Thanks, Emily! I use Lightroom to edit my photos
This is so true. I go to places or do things and I’m always thinking about what to write for the blog or what pictures will I need. And taking multiple pics in different ways. Contemplating what to talk about and jotting down notes. The experience of traveling turns into a mini job rather than just doing whatever and not worrying about. Sometimes I just put the camera down and try to enjoy. I used to read a lot too, but between my everyday activities, and blogging, and reading others blogs I don’t read books any more.